Fruits and vegetables are emerging fast as most economical and nutritious universal foods. Leafy vegetables are those plants whose leaves or aerial parts have been included in a community’s culture for use as food over a long instance. These vegetables are highly recommended due to their relatively high nutritional value. Rumex vesicarius Linn, a commonly grown and sometime found in wild habitat. This leafy vegetable is a rich source of vitamins. The whole plant is medicinally important and cures several diseases, which include disorder such as diabetic, inflammatory diseases, asthma, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, diseases related to urinary system etc. Leaves are rich in ascorbic, citric and tartaric acids which is main important for maintaining the proper health by boosting immune response. The juice of the plant is cooling. It is useful in treating heat of the stomach, to allay the pain of toothache and also used as antiemetic and astringent.